Sunday 2 June 2024


Hello, my dear readers, trust you are all well.

It seems that I am taking longer and longer breaks between the posts for reasons that I cannot explain, I just do.  It is not that I have left free time left for blogging, I still work the same number of days (just 2) as I used  do in my old job, look after my grandkids twice a week as before and three times a week I go to the gym as I have been doing for years.  Yet somehow I find it challenging to keep up.   It upset me at first but then I said to my self that since blogging is not my livelihood, I have no reason whatsoever to stress out over it.  Just do it when you can and when you feel like it and feel much better now.  Have you been through the situation like this and how have you dealt with it?
So it should come as no surprise that this post is over month overdue.  It is about the outfit that I wore for my husband's birthday that was in April but as they say: "Better later then never", right?  The birthday was not a significant milestone so just the two of us went to have lunch at one of our long time favourite places,  Ms. G's in Sydney's Potts Pont.
Since it was a celebration, I wanted to honour it by dressing for the occasion but since it was a casual lunch, I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard.  This bustling place that serves inventive Asian-fusion plates is loved by young and funky crowd and I wanted to play along.  
Well, I've decided to compromise. Have you ever heard the expression "Business in the front, party at the back"?  Historically, referred to a hair style called the Mullet, I gave it a slight twist and applied it to my outfit:  dressy top and casual bottom - a grey silk blouse decorated by a string of pearls bought at Almacenes San Jose Handicraft Market in Havana when we were on holidays in Cuba paired with black Levi's jeans and LV sneakers.  
I don't even care to remember when I bought this blouse, seems like years ago but it was made in France of pure silk and you don't easily throw away a silk blouse from France.  The jeans, on the other hand, is quite a recent purchase.  I deliberately avoid buying something that was on trend but instead went for a classic cut that I can wear anywhere, whether it is a casual Sunday outing or a day at the office.  

I do, however, remember how long I have these sneakers:  they were a birthday gift from my husband, among some other things, for my 60th birthday, nearly 4 years ago.
The food is always great at Ms. G's and this time it was no exception.  They also make delicious cocktails and after having a couple of those (my husband volunteered to be the designated driver for the day despite the fact that it was his birthday), I was on cloud 9.
Afterwards, we went for a leisurely stroll around the neighbourhood admiring the tall art-deco buildings with their ground floors occupied by a book store, fashion boutiques, homewares and antique stores stopping near the famous El  Alamein Memorial fountain for a photo shoot.
We had a lovely time and I could see that my husband was quite happy to have his birthday this way.

Be well, my dear friends 

Until then



  1. I am with you in regards to blogging. It’s hard to keep it up! So I lean on better late than never mentality rather than fully quit. Lol In terms of your outfit, this is such a wonderful look. Your top is beautiful and does a great job of dressing up your outfit without going overboard. And I am glad to hear that your hubby had a great day! That is priceless.

    Maureen |

    1. thank you Maureen, I am glad that I am not the only one being in such situation :)

  2. I think I'm going through a situation similar to you right now! My children's activities have been taking up more time and so I've been cutting back on blogging. But that is the joy in it! It's always there when you come back. Your outfit is so cute! The perfect combination!

    1. That is true, I love doing that minus the guilt factor :)

  3. It's totally okay to take breaks from blogging when life gets busy. Your husband's birthday celebration sounds lovely, and your outfit choice was perfect! Mixing dressy and casual is always a great idea. It's wonderful that you had such a great time together! 🎉

    1. Thank you Doris, it was a lovely day :)

  4. Super chic look..thanks for sharing dear :-)

  5. It's hard to keep up with blogging when life gets busy. It sounds like a lovely celebration with your husband. Love your outfit! Your wrap top is fabulous!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  6. Love the phrase, particularly relating to a mullet! Your outfit looks great from all angles, love the pearls and white trainers giving a cool vibe. I sometimes worry about not posting enough, but it's a hobby so it's not a show stopper. I managed to get a post scheduled for tomorrow (I'm on holiday) but doubt if I'll be able to do that on our 3 week cycling challenge. Thanks for linking!

  7. Thank you Gail, glad we are on the same page. Hope you enjoyed your active holiday. :)

  8. Your styling is on point dear...looking gorgeous :-)
    The Trendy Bride

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Oh yes don't stress about blogging if it is a hobby it should be enjoyed I know what you mean. Love the outfit great top and the sneakers are super chic and LOVE the shot of you on the stairs.

    Allie of
