Monday 26 November 2018


Hi everyone, hope are having a good week.
As for me, I am feeling better now and my joie de vivre is slowly coming back to me.  I like to be back in the blogosphere catching up on what my friends have been up to while I was away.
Since I haven't done any photo shots recently, I've decided to blog about something that I really like to wear a lot, an accessory that those who read my blog on a regular basis, might have been known for a while.  I am talking about my love of scarves.

Scrolling through my photo archive, I couldn't help but notice that in almost every post I have published, I was wearing some kind of scarf around my neck.

And when it was not around my neck, it would be wrapped around my wrist, threaded through a button hole of my coat or tied around the handle of my handbag.
The other scenario where a nice scarf could come very handy is when you want to refresh your old outfit without breaking a budget or ditch the old necklace that you keep wearing over and over and wear a scarf instead. 
I often reach for it if I want to add a punch of colour or introduce a new pattern to break up a monochromatic outfit; or it could be just a final touch that would unite the separate pieces of your outfit into a complete stylish look.

Some of my scarves are purely functional and are there to keep me warm and comfortable.  I can hardly remember myself leaving the house without grabbing one, mostly for warmth and comfort and not just in winter.
Sometimes, on a hot summer day, if I walk into an air-conditioned building straight from the street, I would quite often get a sore throat so I always have with me a light cotton or linen scarf that I could wrap around my neck if it feels too cold inside.

It was after my mother-in-law passed away and her husband wanted me to have her amazing collection of scarfs and although her taste in clothes was much more refined then mine, I too became fascinated by them and started wearing them as a statement accessory rather then just a piece of clothing that provides warmth to my neck.
Quite often when I am deciding what to wear, I look at them through her eyes, guessing which one would she chose and whether my choice would get her approval.
If you are not sure if a scarf is your thing, you can start small, buy a couple of inexpensive ones and become experimental.  There are no rules, it's all a trial and error but while you are on the selective side of a purchase, do try and think about what clothes you might wear it with in terms of colours and textures.
Once you get a hang of it and fall in love with the scarfs as I did, then it is time to step up and think about good scarves such as silk, cashmere, pure wool.  Yes, these scarves don't come cheap but think about them as a good investment:  they last a long time, could do wanders to an otherwise simple outfit and never go out of style.
It is amazing how versatile this relatively small piece of fabric is and what magic it could do to your clothes.  We all know that the little things go a long way.And if you, like me, love them, I would like to hear how do you wear yours.
And if you, like me, love them, I would like to hear how do you wear yours.


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