Sunday 23 April 2023


Hello dear readers, hope you are all well.
It has been a long time since my last post that it looks more like a pattern lately but I do have a legit excuse, we were downsizing and thus moving houses.  And it was absolute agony,  believe me.  Well not all of it.  On one hand, it was a blessing as my 22 years old daughter has moved out to live with her dad.  Well, she was living with me and her step-dad for the last twenty years so I figured it's high time for her father to know his own daughter better.
At first, I was a bit aprehensive about it but in the end it worked out well for everybody.
On the other hand, if any of you ever downsised, you must know the horror of it all.  For me, the biggest challenge was what to take and what not and once all was ferried to a new place, came the torture of unpacking and finding a place for everything, down to the odd spoon.  And if you are like us, have merged two households together, love to entertain in style, have bought ourselves and inherited from your parents their art work, dinner sets, cutlery, crockery, books, CDs etc, you know exactly what we were going through.
I tried to sell some of the stuff on Facebook's Marketplace without much success.  I was loosing my sleep agonising over it night after night.  Luckily, the new apartment, although smaller, is quite  spacious enough to accommodate most of our possessions, everything else was stored in the garage.  
I feel much better now, all the boxes are unpacked and have been taken away by the movers, even the artworks are back on the walls and both, ourselves and my daughter have settled nicely in our new respected homes.
Now, about this outfit.  I received so many nice comments on IG about this outfit that I decided it is worth a post.  According to my blog, these pants were purchased seven years ago in 2016.  I fell in love with this bold print and easy fit. They have been my go-to pants for quite sometime.  I stopped wearing them after I gained some weight but was never brave enough to let them go.  It was during the move while I was revaluating my wardrobe that I tried them and was happy to discover that they fit 👍. 
Originally I was planning to wear these pants in a few different ways to show you their versatility but then I thought why not just to use the images from an old post and save myself some and so  I did just that.  You can read the old post here 
This story reminds me of an old Russian proverb that we often used to say: "Everything new is well-forgotten old". Don't you agree?
Is there anything similar in the depths of your wardrobe that is worth giving a second chance?  Please share your story in the comments section below.

Until then,



  1. First off, moving houses is both exciting and as you said agonizing. So many decisions to make and a lot of physical labor. We moved cross country in 2021, and there still a few boxes in the basement that have not been unpacked. We upsized because my mother came to live with us, and we were combing two households.

    I love these pants! So cute and versatile. All of the outfits you created with them are awesome! So fun to find something forgotten that works again.


  2. I wouldn't have gotten rid of those trousers either, Anna. They're fabulous! And it's always nice when we try something old on again and it's fits. As for the house move, I can't relate to downsizing yet. We moved house last year into a bigger place while we build and I believe the new build will be even bigger lol!
    Big hugs
    Suzy x

    1. I'd say go for it, as long as both of you are comfortable, why not? Sure it looks fantastic

  3. The pants are so fabulous and I love each way you styled them. My fave look is with the tank and statement necklace. Gorgeous!


    1. Thank you Kathrine, I believe I still have this necklace round somewhere around the house :)

  4. I love all of the different ways you have styled these in the past. I do like that first and last looks quite a lot. Congrats on the move: that would sure be stressful. Our last move was about 6 years ago and I got rid of a lot. I am in constant decluttering mode so thankfully if we moved again, I wouldn't have to do too much downsizing.

    1. I was trying to keep us with decluttering but some things we really love and don't want to part with them including some furniture that my husband brought all the way from South Africa :)

  5. Wonderful pants - it's great that they fit well once again. I love the styling with the sneakers as a fresh take on an old favorite and a nice way to dress them down. Of course, these trousers also look amazing in your dressed up outfits too!

  6. These pants are so stylish- I love the different ways you've styled them. I shudder at the thought of downsizing, we have far too much stuff considering it's just the 2 of us. All the best for your new home! Thanks for linking.

    1. There are some things that are too precious to be thrown away and not jsut in monetary way. Thank you for hosting

  7. They are such fun pants on you, it's good you could rediscover them and give them some love! :) I really like the different ways you have worn them.

    Glad the downsize and move went well too! I was so shocked when we moved into our house after building it as we had so much stuff! Luckily as the kids grow bigger we need less, so we have been able to donate or sell or give away a lot. But there is just so much stuff associated with kids, haha!

    Thank you for joining the Weekday Wear Link up.

  8. It is amazing how much stuff people accumulate in their lives. Sometimes even decluttering does not help to get rid of it. Thank you for hosting

  9. It's so super hard to downsize- and moving is always stressful in and of itself!

    I love these trousers- you can't beat a fun, bold check!

    I've got a new post up and I hope you'll stop by!


  10. It’s never fun to move. I dread it because of exactly that. Figuring out how we have so much stuff and then figuring out which ones to let go. Not an easy task but I am glad you guys got through it and now on the other side of this task. But what a gem of a find hiding! Those trousers are beautiful and stunning. The print is amazing and I am so glad you decided to keep it. It really is a keeper!

    Maureen | www.littlemisscasual.com
